The TSB System Library provides a mechanism for making useful BASIC Language
programs available to all users.  Programs in the System Library can pro-
vide the user with information about the status of the system, give him
training, provide him with mathematical subroutines, or carry out any other
useful operations.  Library programs may be left unprotected, or they may
be protected.  An unprotected program may be fetched, executed, listed,
punched and saved by the general user.  Protected programs may only be
fetched and executed ("run only").

In no case can the general user modify the System Library.  Programs are
entered into and removed from the System Library through a user terminal,
not through the operator console.  To make this possible, the TSB System
recognizes a special user IDcode as privileged to modify the System Li-
brary.  Consult A Guide to Time Shared Basic, (HP 02000-90002), for ref-
erence on the Time Shared Basic Language.


The user IDcode A000 in the TSB System has a special status:  only programs
saved by A000 become part of the System Library.  Only A000 can modify the
System Library.  A000 might be considered the system operator's IDcode.
A000 has two special user commands, PROTECT and UNPROTECT, which allow him
to restrict the availability of library programs to "run only".


The PROTECT Command is a user command, executable only
from a user terminal and only by user-A000.  The format
is as follows:


where name is either a program name or a file name.

A protected program may not be listed, punched, or saved by
any user except A000.  A protected program may, however, be
fetched and executed by any user.  A protected file may not
be accessed at all by another user.  These restrictions, of
course, do not apply to user-A000.


The format of the UNPROTECT Command is similar to that of the
PROTECT Command.


The program or file specified is made available to all users.