
The name given after the return from exile to the southern part of Ephraim. Its chief divisions were the Shephelah, or "lowland," to the west, on the Philistine frontier; the "hill country," some 35 miles long, and from 14 to 17 miles in breadth, consisting of stony moorland, capable of little cultivation, but broken up by valleys in which the land is fairly fruitful; the Jordan valley and the Dead Sea in the east, and the Negeb, or Dry Land in the south. During the time of the Persian supremacy Judaea was part of the 5th satrapy of the Empire and was generally administered by a Jewish governor. In N.T. times, after the death of Herod the Great, Judaea fell to Archelaus. On his deposition it was added to the Roman province of Syria, and was administered by a procurator who generally lived at Caesarea.