
The most ancient of the sacred towns of Palestine, situated in a beautiful plain among the mountains of Ephraim, close to the two hills Ebal and Gerizim. It was visited by Abram on his first arrival in the promised land (Gen. 12: 6); Jacob bought land here (Gen. 33: 18; Acts 7: 16; cf. Gen. 35: 4; Gen. 37: 14). It was later included in the territory of Ephraim (Josh. 17: 7), and became a Levitical city and a city of refuge (Josh. 20: 7; Josh. 21: 21; 1 Chr. 6: 67). Here Joshua addressed the people (Josh. 24: 1), and the bones of Joseph were buried (Josh. 24: 32). Here Rehoboam came to be crowned in the hope of conciliating the northern tribes (1 Kgs. 12: 1; 2 Chr. 10: 1; see also Judg. 8: 31; Judg. 9: 6, 46; Judg. 21: 19; 1 Kgs. 12: 25; 1 Chr. 7: 28; Jer. 41: 5; Ps. 60: 6). The modern town of Nablus lies near the ancient site of Shechem.