Weights and Measures
See also Money.

The meanings of the terms that are used in the Bible for measurements and weights, with their relative values and ratios, varied from time to time, which makes it difficult to arrive at a correct understanding of these things today. Such terms must be interpreted in the light of the period of time in which they are used. Early systems of measurement were quite imprecise, as, for example, a bowshot (Gen. 21: 16); a donkey load (being a "heap" of grain or a "homer"); a furrow length (source of our word furlong); a day's journey (Num. 11: 31); three days' journey (Gen. 30: 36; cf. Gen. 31: 23); and such other measures as span, handbreadth, cubit, fathom (a full stretch of the arms, or about 5 1/2 to 6 feet), pace, etc. These often used as a standard a part of the human body. Furthermore, an acre was originally the amount of land that could be plowed in a day using a yoke of oxen, as in 1 Sam. 14: 14. Land area was also measured by the amount of grain needed to sow it, as in Lev. 27: 16. This system of measurement was simply not accurate enough for commercial use. Later, international trade, and subsequent political domination by the Greeks and the Romans, forced some degree of standardization for purposes of tribute, taxation, architecture, and the like. Thus the same term may vary in meaning in O.T. and N.T. times.

Metals were at first primarily measured by weight, whereas other things were measured by bulk or by size. Thus silver and gold were calculated by weight until coinage became popular (probably 5th century B.C., after the Babylonian exile), and then the standard shifted from weight to value. Hence, a silver coin of a certain value would not weigh the same as an equivalent value of silver measured by the earlier standard of weight. Originally a shekel was a term for a certain weight; later it became a term for the value of a piece of money.

Some of the principal weights mentioned in the Bible are

Shekel. It is uncertain what its exact weight was in early times; from the 2nd century B.C. onward it was 218 grains (15.126 grams).

Pound. (Heb. Maneh); equivalent to 50 shekels; 20 oz., or 571.2 grams.

Talent. (Heb. kikkar); equivalent to 3,000 shekels (see Ex. 38: 25,26); about 75.6 lbs., or 34.272 kg.

(Note: The foregoing are relevant to the O.T. The words talent and pound in the N.T. refer not to weights, but to sums of money.)

Bekah. Half a shekel; 88.14 grains, or 5.712 grams.

Some measures of length are

Cubit. The distance from the elbow to the tip of the finger, normally about 17 1/2 inches, or 444.25 millimeters (approx. 44.43 cm.).

Sabbath day's journey. About 2,000 cubits.

Fathom. Approximately 6 feet, or 1.84 meters.

Furlong. 220 yards, or 201.17 meters.

Mile. A U.S. statute mile = 1760 yards or 1.609 km. An English mile = 1,620 yards or 1.482 km.

Some measure of capacity are

Bath (liquid). Said to be approximately 8 1/4 U.S. gallons, or 31.3 liters.

Cab (liquid and dry). Said to be less than 2 quarts, or less than 1.8 liters

Cor (liquid and dry). Said to equal 10 baths.

Ephah (dry). Said to be equivalent to a bath; one-tenth of a homer.

Firkin (liquid). Said to be slightly more than a bath.

Homer (dry). Said to be 10 ephahs. A homer is also believed to be 230 liters (or about 6 1/2 U.S. bushels dry measure).