The Lord hides.

Prophesied in the reign of Josiah (639-608 B.C.). His prophecy speaks first of universal judgment (Zeph. 1: 1 - 3: 8); and then of universal salvation in the knowledge of Jehovah (Zeph. 3: 9-20). The "day of the Lord" is the outpouring of his wrath on all created things. It falls on Judah for her idolatries, on the royal house, on the merchant classes, and on all the ungodly and indifferent. It falls also on the nations round about.

The "second priest" i.e., next in rank to the high priest (2 Kgs. 25: 18; Jer. 21: 1; Jer. 29: 25, 29; Jer. 37: 3; Jer. 52: 24).

1 Chr. 6: 36;

Zech. 6: 10, 14.