Aaron, Brother of Moses
See also Aaronic Priesthood; Moses

In the Old Testament, a son of Amram and Jochebed, of the tribe of Levi (Ex. 6: 16-20); the elder brother of Moses (Ex. 7: 7).

Was appointed by the Lord to assist Moses in bringing the children of Israel out of Egypt and to be his spokesman, Ex. 4: 10-16, 27-31; 5: 1-12: 51. On Mount Sinai, Moses received directions about the appointment of Aaron and his four sons to the Aaronic Priesthood, Ex. 28: 1-4. Made a golden calf at the people's request, Ex. 32: 1-6, 21, 24, 35. Died on Mount Hor at the age of 123, Num. 20: 22-29 (Num. 33: 38-39). The Lord confirmed a priesthood also upon Aaron and his seed, D&C 84: 18, 26-27, 30. Those who magnify priesthood callings become the sons of Moses and of Aaron, D&C 84: 33-34. The Lord will justify the righteous actions of those called of the Father as was Aaron, D&C 132: 59.