See also Rebellion

Strife, arguing, and disputations. Contention, especially between members of the Lord's Church or between family members, is not pleasing to the Lord.

Let there be no strife between me and thee, Gen. 13: 8. Pride causes contention, Prov. 13: 10. If any man have a quarrel against any, forgive as Christ forgave, Col. 3: 13. Avoid foolish questions and contention, Titus 3: 9. The Lord commands men not to contend with one another, 2 Ne. 26: 32. Ye will not suffer your children to fight and quarrel with one another, Mosiah 4: 14. Alma commanded that there be no contention among Church members, Mosiah 18: 21. Satan spreads rumors and contention, Hel. 16: 22. The devil is the father of contention and stirs up men to contend with one another, 3 Ne. 11: 29 (Mosiah 23: 15). Establish my gospel, that there may not be so much contention, D&C 10: 62-64. Cease to contend with one another, D&C 136: 23.