Jacob, Son of Isaac
See also Esau; Isaac; Israel

An Old Testament patriarch and prophet; the younger of the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah (Gen. 25: 19-26). Jacob obtained the birthright over his brother Esau. This was due to Jacob's worthiness and marrying in the covenant, while Esau despised his birthright and married outside the covenant (Gen. 25: 30-34; 26: 34-35; 27; 28: 6-9; Heb. 12: 16).

Rebekah learned from the Lord that Esau would serve Jacob, Gen. 25: 23. Purchased the birthright from Esau, Gen. 25: 29-34. Dreamed of a ladder to heaven, Gen. 28. Married Leah and Rachel, Gen. 29: 1-30. Had twelve sons and one daughter, Gen. 29: 31-30: 24; 35: 16-20. Married Bilhah and Zilpah, Gen. 30: 3-4, 9. Name was changed to Israel, Gen. 32: 28. Saw God face to face, Gen. 32: 30. Favored Joseph, Gen. 37: 3. Went to Egypt with his family, Gen. 46: 1-7. Blessed his sons and their posterity, Gen. 49. Died, Gen. 49: 33. Kept the commandments and is today exalted upon a throne in heaven, in company with Abraham and Isaac, D&C 132: 37.