Mortal, Mortality
See also Body; Death, Physical; Fall of Adam and Eve; World

The time from birth until physical death. This is sometimes called the second estate.

In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die, Gen. 2: 16-17 (Moses 3: 16-17). At death the spirit shall return to God and the body to the dust of the earth, Eccl. 12: 7 (Gen. 3: 19; Moses 4: 25). Do not let sin reign in your mortal body, Rom. 6: 12. This mortal body must put on immortality, 1 Cor. 15: 53 (Enos 1: 27; Mosiah 16: 10; Morm. 6: 21). Man's state became a state of probation, 2 Ne. 2: 21 (Alma 12: 24; 42: 10). Adam fell that men might be, 2 Ne. 2: 25. Do you look forward and view this mortal body raised in immortality? Alma 5: 15. This life is the time to prepare to meet God, Alma 34: 32. Do not fear death, for your joy is not full in this world, D&C 101: 36. Those who keep their second estate shall have glory, Abr. 3: 26.