Plan of Redemption
See also Atone, Atonement; Fall of Adam and Eve; Gospel; Jesus Christ; Salvation

The fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, designed to bring about man's immortality and eternal life. It includes the Creation, Fall, and Atonement, along with all God-given laws, ordinances, and doctrines. This plan makes it possible for all people to be exalted and live forever with God (2 Ne. 2; 9). The scriptures also refer to this plan as the plan of salvation, the plan of happiness, and the plan of mercy.

He was wounded for our transgressions, Isa. 53: 5 (Mosiah 14: 5). There is none other name under heaven by which man can be saved, Acts 4: 12. As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive, 1 Cor. 15: 22. By grace are ye saved through faith, Eph. 2: 8 (2 Ne. 25: 23). God promised eternal life before the world began, Titus 1: 2. Jesus is the author of eternal salvation, Heb. 5: 8-9. The plan of redemption was extended to the dead, 1 Pet. 3: 18-20; 4: 6 (D&C 138). Death fulfills the merciful plan of the great Creator, 2 Ne. 9: 6. How great is the plan of our God! 2 Ne. 9: 13. The plan of redemption brings to pass the resurrection and a remission of sins, Alma 12: 25-34. Aaron taught the plan of redemption to Lamoni's father, Alma 22: 12-14. Amulek explained the plan of salvation, Alma 34: 8-16. Alma explained the plan of salvation, Alma 42: 5-26, 31. The doctrines of the creation, fall, atonement, and baptism are affirmed in modern revelation, D&C 20: 17-29. The plan was ordained before the world, D&C 128: 22. My work and my glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, Moses 1: 39. This is the plan of salvation unto all men, Moses 6: 52-62. We will prove them herewith, Abr. 3: 22-26.