See also Church, Signs of the True; Miracle; Signs of the Times

An event or experience which people understand to be evidence or proof of something. A sign is usually a miraculous manifestation from God. Satan also has power to show signs under certain conditions. Saints should seek for the gifts of the Spirit but should not seek for signs to satisfy curiosity or sustain faith. Rather, the Lord will give signs as he sees fit to those who believe (D&C 58: 64).

The Lord himself shall give you a sign, Isa. 7: 14 (2 Ne. 17: 14). God worketh signs and wonders in heaven and in earth, Dan. 6: 27. An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, Matt. 12: 39 (Matt. 16: 4; Luke 11: 29). These signs shall follow them that believe, Mark 16: 17 (Morm. 9: 24; Ether 4: 18; D&C 84: 65). Sherem asked for a sign, Jacob 7: 13-20. Korihor asked for a sign, Alma 30: 48-60. Show unto us a sign then we shall believe, Alma 32: 17. The more part of the people did believe the signs and wonders, 3 Ne. 1: 22. People forgot the signs and wonders, 3 Ne. 2: 1. Ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith, Ether 12: 6. Require not miracles, except I shall command, D&C 24: 13. Faith cometh not by signs, but signs follow those that believe, D&C 63: 7-11. In those days there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, JS-M 1: 22.