See also Body; Spirit

The scriptures speak of souls in three ways: spirit beings, both premortal and postmortal (Alma 40: 11-14; Abr. 3: 23); a spirit and a body united in mortality (Abr. 5: 7); and an immortal, resurrected person whose spirit and body have become inseparably connected (Alma 40: 23; D&C 88: 15-16).

The blood maketh an atonement for the soul, Lev. 17: 11. He restoreth my soul, Ps. 23: 3. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy soul, Matt. 22: 37 (Mark 12: 30). The devil cheateth their souls, 2 Ne. 28: 21. Offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, Omni 1: 26. The word beginneth to enlarge my soul, Alma 32: 28. His soul shall never hunger nor thirst, 3 Ne. 20: 8. The bread and water of the sacrament are sanctified to the souls of those who partake of it, Moro. 4-5 (D&C 20: 77-79). Laborers in the kingdom bring salvation to their souls through their service, D&C 4: 2, 4. The worth of souls is great, D&C 18: 10. Ye were born into the world by water, blood, and spirit, and so became a living soul, Moses 6: 59.

Worth of souls: All persons are spirit children of God. He cares about each of his children and considers each one important. Because they are his children, they have the potential to become like him. Therefore, they are of great worth.

There is joy over one sinner that repenteth, Luke 15: 10. God so loved the world that he gave his Only Begotten Son, John 3: 16. They could not bear that any human soul should perish, Mosiah 28: 3. Is not a soul at this time as precious unto God as a soul at the time of his coming? Alma 39: 17. The thing of most worth unto you is to bring souls unto me, D&C 15: 6. Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God, D&C 18: 10-15. This is my work and my glory-to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, Moses 1: 39.