Watch, Watchmen
See also Warn, Warning

To be vigilant, to guard. A person who watches and obeys is ready and prepared. Watchmen are leaders who are called by the Lord's representatives to have specific responsibility for the welfare of others. Those called as leaders have a special responsibility to also be watchmen to the rest of the world.

I have made thee a watchman, Ezek. 3: 17-21. Watchmen who raise the warning voice save their own souls, Ezek. 33: 7-9. Watch therefore: for you do not know the hour your Lord will come, Matt. 24: 42-43 (Matt. 25: 13; Mark 13: 35-37; D&C 133: 10-11). Watch and pray that ye do not enter into temptation, Matt. 26: 41 (3 Ne. 18: 15, 18). If ye do not watch yourselves, your thoughts, your words, your deeds, ye must perish, Mosiah 4: 30. Alma ordained priests and elders to preside and watch over the Church, Alma 6: 1. He that does not watch for the Savior will be cut off, D&C 45: 44. The bishop and others are called and ordained of God to watch over the Church, D&C 46: 27. The Lord set watchmen over the vineyard, D&C 101: 44-58.