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Teaching, No Greater Call: A Resource Guide for Gospel Teaching

Teaching with Variety

"25: Teaching with Variety," Teaching, No Greater Call: A Resource Guide for Gospel Teaching, 89

Using a Variety of Methods from Lesson to Lesson

When a homemaker plans a week of dinner menus, she is not likely to decide to prepare identical meals on seven consecutive nights. Even when her budget is so limited that she has to prepare potatoes every night, she soon learns that there are many ways to serve potatoes.

The gospel can likewise be presented in a number of different ways. No teacher should fall into a monotonous pattern of presenting the same kind of lesson week after week. When you use a variety of learning activities, learners tend to understand gospel principles better and retain more. A carefully selected method can make a principle clearer, more interesting, and more memorable.

As you prepare to teach, ensure that you use a variety of teaching methods from lesson to lesson. This may mean using something as simple as a colorful poster or wall chart in one lesson and a list of questions on the chalkboard in another.

Using a Variety of Methods in Each Lesson

In addition to using a variety of methods from lesson to lesson, you should teach each lesson with variety. Children, with their natural curiosity, respond especially well to a variety of learning activities-usually between five and seven per lesson. Youth also respond well to a variety of methods. Even if you teach adults, you should consider using at least three methods in each lesson.

Selecting and Preparing a Variety of Teaching Methods

There are many resources available to help you choose methods when preparing your lessons. Keep in mind the following ideas as you plan which methods to use in a particular lesson:

Keeping Variety in Your Lessons

The chart on page 90 can help you determine if there is enough variety in your lessons. You may want to make a similar chart in your journal or in a notebook. At the top of the blank columns, write the title of each of your next five lessons. As you prepare the lessons, put a check in the "lesson" column opposite each method you use.

The methods listed at the top of the chart are those most commonly used in gospel teaching. You may find yourself using some of these methods in almost all of your lessons. The other methods listed can also be effective depending on what you are teaching and the needs of those you teach.

As you use this chart, you may begin to see patterns in your teaching. There may be some methods that you use in every lesson and others that you never use.

Methods I Can Use












Commonly Used Methods




Comparisons and Object Lessons




















Other Methods


Activity Verses


Application Techniques


Attention Activities


Audiovisual Materials




Buzz Sessions


Case Studies








Drawing Activities


Flannel Boards




Guest Speakers






Overhead Projectors


Panel Discussions


Paper Stand-up Figures




Readers' Theaters


Role Playing


Roller Boxes


Special Reports




Work Sheets


President David O. McKay said, "Every teacher has the responsibility of determining how best to approach the members of the class in order to make appeals that will be lasting" (Gospel Ideals [1953], 439).

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