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Aaronic Priesthood Manual 2

Exaltation through Keeping Covenants

"Lesson 15: Exaltation through Keeping Covenants," Aaronic Priesthood Manual 2, 52


Each young man will desire to prepare himself for exaltation.



The greatest of all the gifts we can receive is that of exaltation, or eternal life. The reality of exaltation far exceeds our understanding and imagination, but we do know the path: it is making and keeping certain covenants with the Lord.

The strength of your desire to obtain exaltation will be a key to inspiring the young men to seek the same goal. Let them sense your faith in the possibility of exaltation and your determination to achieve it.


All People Born on Earth Receive Immortality; Only the Obedient Receive Exaltation

Poster and discussion

Explain that for centuries men and women have wondered about life beyond the grave. Some people do not believe in a life after death; others hope that there will be some kind of existence.

Display the poster that defines immortality. Ask the following questions (the answers are on the poster):

Explain that many people may be content to seek only immortality because they don't know there is anything more. Display the poster defining exaltation. Both immortality and exaltation are gifts from our Father in Heaven.

Compare the requirements for immortality with the requirements for exaltation.

Scripture and discussion

Explain that Doctrine and Covenants 14:7 tells us the value of exaltation or eternal life, as it is sometimes called. Have a young man read the scripture aloud. Have the young men mark this verse.

At this point in the discussion emphasize, the part of the scripture that states, "Keep my commandments."

Exaltation Requires Ordinances and Covenants


Explain that to understand how our Father in Heaven expects us to keep the commandments we need to know the meaning of two words: ordinance and covenant.

Quotations, chalkboard, and discussion

President Spencer W. Kimball explained one covenant we all made long ago. Have the young men listen for what they promised Heavenly Father and when they made this promise:

"We made vows, solemn vows, in the heavens before we came to this mortal life. ...

"We have made covenants. We made them before we accepted our position here on the earth. ...

"We committed ourselves to our Heavenly Father, that if He would send us to the earth and give us bodies and give to us the priceless opportunities that earth life afforded, we would keep our lives clean and would marry in the holy temple and would rear a family and teach them righteousness. This was a solemn oath, a solemn promise" (" 'Be Ye Therefore Perfect' " [devotional address, Salt Lake Institute of Religion, 10 Jan. 1975], p. 2).

Write the answers on the chalkboard under the circle representing "Premortal life." (See the sample chalkboard illustration at the end of this section.)

Elder Howard W. Hunter explained some of the things we need to be aware of and to accomplish so we can receive exaltation: "The pathway to exaltation is well defined. We are told to have faith-faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and repent of those things which are not according to his teachings. After this change of mental attitude, and with firm resolution, we must declare ourselves by going into the waters of baptism, thereby making a covenant with the Lord to keep his commandments" (in Conference Report, Oct. 1960, p. 109).

List these on the chalkboard under the circle representing "Earth life." (See the sample chalkboard illustration.)

When a young man is baptized he covenants to-

(See Mosiah 18:8-10.)

Explain that if we keep our covenants, Heavenly Father promises to give us his Spirit.

Have the young men read Doctrine and Covenants 76:56-57.

Explain that another ordinance necessary to exaltation is the endowment received in the temple. Endowments are special spiritual blessings that help prepare a person to progress in the kingdom of God. As with baptism, we also make covenants when we receive our endowments.


Have the young men listen for the promises we make when we receive our endowments in the temple.

We promise the Lord to "observe the law of strict virtue and chastity, to be charitable, benevolent, tolerant and pure; to devote both talent and material means to the spread of truth; ... to seek in every way to contribute to the great preparation that the earth may be made ready to receive her King, the Lord Jesus Christ" (James E. Talmage, The House of the Lord, p. 84).

See the above quotation. Add these to the chalkboard.

Scripture and discussion

Even if a young man receives all the ordinances and makes all the covenants, he is not guaranteed exaltation. To see what else a young man needs to do, reread Doctrine and Covenants 14:7. Have one of the young men read the scripture aloud.

Explain that there are many important commandments we need to keep as we endure to the end.

If space permits, you may list these on the chalkboard under the heading "Earth life." Some possible responses include family history, tithing, Word of Wisdom, honesty.

The completed chalkboard should look something like this:


Celestial kingdom


Premortal life


Earth life


Terrestrial kingdom


We covenanted to keep our lives clean, marry in the temple, rear a family, and teach our children righteousness.


Faith, repentance, baptism, Holy Ghost, endowment, temple marriage, endure to the end, tithing, family history, and all other commandments


Telestial kingdom


Exaltation Comes from Obedience to a Loving Heavenly Father

Scripture and discussion

Ask the young men to look at the partial list of requirements for exaltation.

Some of the blessings of obedience are explained in Doctrine and Covenants 132:20-24. Have a young man read this scripture aloud.

Explain that just as Jesus Christ was promised all that the Father has, we can also receive all power and dominion, becoming creators of other spirits and worlds.

Scripture and discussion

Have a young man read 1 Corinthians 2:9.



Testify that exaltation is a tremendous gift and blessing to those who are willing to receive it-greater than anyone can imagine.

Assure the young men that if they earnestly obey the commandments, keep their covenants, and love their fellowmen, they can achieve exaltation, the greatest gift of a loving Heavenly Father.


Challenge the young men to review this lesson in their minds as they partake of the sacrament the next time and then record their feelings in their personal journals.

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