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Aaronic Priesthood Manual 3

The Resurrection and Judgment

"Lesson 8: The Resurrection and Judgment," Aaronic Priesthood Manual 3, 27


Each young man will learn that all of us will be resurrected and brought before the judgment seat of Christ to be judged for our works.



The Promise of the Resurrection Is for Everyone

Picture, scriptures, and discussion

Display picture 5, Jesus Raising Lazarus from the Dead.

Explain that Jesus had great love for Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha. When Lazarus died, Jesus knew that this was the time he was to show that he possessed power over life and death.

Have one or more young men help in reading John 11:19-27. Explain that in verses 25 and 26, Jesus testified that he would bring about the Resurrection and make eternal life possible.

Have a young man read John 11:37-46.

Ask the young men to imagine how it would be to see a person brought back from the dead.

Have a young man reread John 11:25-26.

Picture and report

Display picture 4, The Resurrected Jesus Christ. Then have the previously assigned young man relate the account from Luke 24 of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Reading and discussion

To help answer this question, have a young man read from the Bible Dictionary in the Latter-day Saint edition of the King James Version of the Bible under the heading "Resurrection."

Allow the young men to respond; if necessary, review the account of the fall of Adam and Eve (see Moses 4). Emphasize that because Adam and Eve brought physical death into the world, we needed a Savior to bring us the Resurrection.

Scripture and discussion

Have the young men read and mark Moses 1:36-39.

Scripture activity

Explain that there are some things in the scriptures about resurrection that many people do not understand.

To increase the young men's understanding of resurrection, divide the class into groups. Assign each group the following scriptures to read. Instruct each group to identify one principle about resurrection that is taught in these scriptures:

Allow the young men time to read the scriptures and identify a principle of resurrection.

List their responses on the chalkboard as the groups share what they have learned about resurrection, such as-


Explain that the Prophet Joseph Smith said:

"The Lamb of God hath brought to pass the resurrection, so that all shall rise from the dead. ...

"When our flesh is quickened by the Spirit, there will be no blood in this tabernacle" (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1938], p. 367).

Add to the chalkboard that resurrected bodies do not have blood.

Adviser presentation

Point out that two general resurrections are mentioned in the scriptures: (1) the first resurrection, or resurrection of the just, and (2) the final resurrection, or resurrection of the unjust.

Remind the young men that their own resurrection will take place in the future and that by keeping themselves worthy they will be part of the first resurrection.

We Will All Be Judged

Scriptures and discussion

Point out that the Savior will conduct the final judgment and that it will be absolutely fair and just. If we are keeping the commandments and living in harmony with the Spirit, we can look forward to it with confidence.

Have a young man read Alma 34:32.

To help the young men better understand the Judgment and the Savior's part in this event, have them read Alma 11:40-44 aloud. Discuss the meaning of these verses as they are read.

Emphasize that resurrection comes to all, but exaltation comes only to those whose faith and works qualify them to live in the presence of God. Explain that we will be judged by our works, whether they be good or evil, and that the Judgment can be a very positive and exciting event if we live properly to merit it.

Scripture and discussion

Explain that the eleventh chapter of Alma contains Amulek's words to the wicked man Zeezrom. Amulek's words helped Zeezrom begin to repent. Then Alma added his testimony of the plan of salvation.

Encourage the young men to study Alma 12 during their personal scripture study.


Scripture and discussion

Point out that the scriptures teach us a great deal about the principles of resurrection and judgment. The Topical Guide in the Latter-day Saint edition of the King James Version of the Bible contains numerous references to these subjects. We should read and study the word of the Lord and pray daily for guidance in order to be prepared for the Judgment.

To summarize, have the young men read and discuss Doctrine and Covenants 88:104. Emphasize that every person will take part in the Judgment.


Explain that we judge ourselves each day by the things we do or do not do. The final judgment will be the sum of our daily lives. Challenge the young men to set a goal to work daily to make their personal judgment one that will bring them to the celestial kingdom.

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