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Young Women Manual 1

Caring for Our Physical Bodies

"Lesson 37: Caring for Our Physical Bodies," Young Women Manual 1, (2002),164


Each young woman will learn to appreciate her physical body and keep it in the best possible condition.



A Young Woman Who Appreciates Her Body and Wants to Be Attractive Takes Care of Herself

Picture and scripture

Display the picture of a temple and have a class member read 1 Corinthians 3:16-17. Stress that we have been commanded to take good care of our bodies.

Puzzle and discussion

Display the "Knowledge" section of the puzzle on the tackboard or a large poster.

Scripture discussion

In addition to living the Word of Wisdom, a young woman can do many other things to take care of herself. Ask a class member to read Doctrine and Covenants 88:124.

Ask one young woman to read aloud the last half of that scripture beginning with the word retire.

Puzzle and chalkboard discussion

Put the puzzle piece labeled "Rest" on the tackboard or poster.

Scripture and puzzle

Ask the young women to turn to Doctrine and Covenants 42:41 to discover discover another aspect of taking care of themselves. Stress that physical as well as moral cleanliness is important. Add the piece labeled "Grooming" to the puzzle.

Object lesson and discussion

Display the grooming aids. Stress that everyone is more attractive with clean teeth, skin, and hair. Point out that a fresh fragrance is attractive, whereas perspiration and body odor may be offensive. Ask the young women to consider their hair, skin, nails, and teeth and decide how they might improve their grooming. Suggest they select one good grooming habit to work on during the coming week.

Puzzle and discussion

Put the puzzle piece labeled "Nutrition" on the tackboard or poster. Give each class member a sheet of paper and a pencil and ask them to list as many different fruits and vegetables as they can in two or three minutes. Then ask the young woman with the longest list to read it. Have the other young women add any different ones they have, and then have everyone add to their lists items they did not think of. Be sure the list includes citrus fruits and green and yellow vegetables.

Stress variety. Often a young woman's diet is insufficient because she eats only a few favorite foods. Refer to the long list of fruits and vegetables they have made and encourage them to try something new.

Ask the young women to turn their papers over and in one to two minutes make a list of foods they feel have little nutritional value.

Emphasize that to feel and look their best, young women must limit or give up some of these things. Write on the chalkboard: "Give up something good for something better."

Teacher presentation

We have discussed grooming, nutrition, the Word of Wisdom, and getting proper rest; but our girl (refer to the puzzle) still needs something else to complete her physical well-being.

Puzzle and discussion

Place the final piece labeled "Exercise" on the tackboard or poster.

If you prepared a chart with the following information, show it now. Or write the information on the chalkboard.

Discuss what the young women have discovered about themselves from the strength and endurance test (see page 164, item 5).

Picture and discussion

Display the picture of the young women exercising. Discuss the importance of active participation in sports, dance, jogging, walking, and other physical activities.

Teacher presentation

In addition to plenty of physical activity, formal exercises can often help us firm up our muscles or strengthen a particular part of the body. They also help us use the calories we take in. Suggest that each young woman select one exercise or activity that she feels would benefit her and plan to do that exercise or activity in the coming week.

Stress that physical fitness is linked to overall well-being in everyday life.

Proper Care of Our Bodies Brings Many Rewards

Teacher presentation

We have put together a plan for taking the best possible care of our precious physical temples. We must work at this plan constantly until good habits become automatic. (Take away a section of the puzzle.) Our bodies cannot function at their best or look their best unless each part of the plan is followed. (Return the piece to its place.)


Elder Delbert L. Stapley said: "There is a close relationship between physical health and spiritual development. ... When one's physical health is impaired by disobedience to God's eternal laws, spiritual development will also suffer" (in Conference Report, Oct. 1967, p. 74; or Improvement Era, Dec. 1967, p. 77).

Lesson Application

Teacher testimony

Testify of the importance of properly caring for our physical bodies and encourage each young woman to do something this week to improve her care of her body.

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