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Young Women Manual 2

Physical Health

"Lesson 38: Physical Health," Young Women Manual 2, 146


Each young woman will recognize her responsibility to maintain her physical health so that she can fulfill her earthly mission.



The Scriptures Give Instructions about the Care of Our Physical Bodies

Chalkboard and scripture game

Refer to the tray of items and explain that these will be used in a scripture game. Write "Item," "Scripture," and "Instruction" across the top of the chalkboard. Write the first scriptural reference on the chalkboard under the heading "Scripture," and ask the young women to read the scripture silently. Ask them to decide which item on the tray the scripture refers to. As they find the answer, call on one class member to write the name of that item under the heading "Item" and to write the message of the scripture under the heading "Instruction." Use the six scriptures in the sequence listed.

When you have completed the exercise, your chalkboard may look like this:









D&C 38:42


Be clean (inside as well as outside)




D&C 88:124


Retire and rise early




D&C 89:11


In season




D&C 89:12






D&C 89:14


Staff of life




D&C 89:20


Run and not be weary

Scripture and thought questions

Have class members read 1 Corinthians 3:16-17.

Teacher presentation

Explain that physical fitness affects all aspects of our lives. If we are to manage our lives efficiently, our bodies must be able to meet all the demands placed upon them. To be tired all the time and have difficulty meeting pressures is an obstacle to our success. Physical fitness improves mental concentration and alertness; it relieves tension and anxiety. Some educators believe that students are more alert and attentive when they are in good physical condition and that they learn better. Employers have recognized that an employee's effectiveness is related to physical health. Our physical condition also affects our capacity to respond to others positively. We each may have some physical weaknesses that cannot be entirely overcome, but most of us could be more fit than we are.

Explain that there are at least three areas in which we should develop healthy habits. We should get proper exercise, get proper rest, and eat a well-balanced diet. Review the following information with the young women.


"When our appetites control us, when we neglect to keep our bodies and minds in the best possible condition, we may not be literally breaking the Word of Wisdom, but we are neglecting a sacred trust that the Lord has given to us when he gave us our marvelous bodies" (Lindsay R. Curtis, "I Have a Question," Ensign, June 1975, p. 21).

Taking Care of Our Physical Health Will Bless Ourselves and Our Posterity


Invite the mother and child to the front of the classroom. Introduce them and read the following quotation:

"Womanhood should be intelligent and pure, because it is the living life-fountain from which flows the stream of humanity. She who would pollute that stream by tobacco, poisonous drugs, or germs that would shackle the unborn is untrue to her sex and an enemy to the strength and perpetuity of the race" (David O. McKay, "These Two Together," Improvement Era, May 1969, p. 2).

Ask the young mother to discuss briefly the importance of properly caring for her own health and the health of her child. She may include the following points:

You may wish to have a brief question-and-answer period at the conclusion of the presentation.


Teacher testimony

Testify that our Heavenly Father expects each of us to take proper care of our physical bodies so we can each achieve our missions on earth.

Lesson Application

Suggest that the class members eat proper foods, get the proper amount of rest and exercise, and avoid anything that would be harmful to the body or mind.

Suggested Activities

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