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Young Women Manual 2

Developing Talents

"Lesson 44: Developing Talents," Young Women Manual 2, 169


Each young woman will recognize and develop her talents.



Introduction: Spotlight on You


Place a stool or chair in the center of the room. Distribute paper and pencils to the young women. Explain that you will spotlight special gifts each of the class members has received. Have each young woman, one at a time, sit on the chair or stool. Give her the gift box you have prepared for her. Instruct her to open it and read aloud the talent written on the paper.

After she has done this, ask her to identify another gift that she possesses. It may help to ask one or more of the following questions:

If the young woman is still unable to identify an additional gift herself, suggest one from the list you prepared.

Next ask the class to identify a third gift the young woman possesses. Three gifts should be identified for each young woman and recorded on her paper.

Continue this process until all class members have been spotlighted and have had at least three talents identified.

We Should Be Aware of Our Talents and Interests


Have the class read together Doctrine and Covenants 46:8-9. Briefly discuss this scripture and write on the chalkboard: "Seek ye earnestly the best gifts."

Worksheet discussion

Have the young women identify talents or gifts they have or would like to have that they have not already written down.

Have them add these to the list of gifts on their papers. Encourage them to include desirable character traits in their lists as well as obvious talents.

Scripture search

Explain that Heavenly Father has given us our talents and abilities. Ask the young women to recall any scriptures in which Heavenly Father has told us about these gifts and talents.

Open the remaining gift box. Have each class member draw out a piece of paper with one of the scriptural references. Have each one find the scripture and read it in the order indicated by the number preceding the reference. As each reads her scripture, have her identify the main idea. Write the idea on the chalkboard.



Scriptural References


Main Idea


1. Doctrine and Covenants 46:11-12


1. Everyone has a gift.


2. Doctrine and Covenants 60:2


2. Some fear and hide their talents.


3. Doctrine and Covenants 67:3


3. Some fear in their hearts.


4. Doctrine and Covenants 60:13


4. Do not bury your talent.


5. 1 Timothy 4:14


5. Do not neglect your gift.


6. Doctrine and Covenants 82:3


5. Responsibility comes with gifts.


We Should Develop Our Talents

Parable discussion

Have the assigned young women tell or read the parable of the talents (see Matthew 25:14-30). Discuss the parable, using the following questions or your own.

Chalkboard discussion

Explain that as we develop and increase our gifts and talents, we not only receive additional talents, but we also gain personal satisfaction.

Write the young women's ideas on the chalkboard. Their ideas may include the following:

Ask the young women how they would feel if they gave a gift to someone who acted as if she did not want it or would not use it.

Write on the chalkboard: Doctrine and Covenants 88:33. Ask a class member to read the scripture to the class.


Scripture discussion

Have the class members turn to Doctrine and Covenants 46:8-9 and reread the scripture. Point out that our admonition is to "seek ye earnestly the best gifts" and then to remember the purpose for which all gifts are given: "for the benefit of those who love me."

Point out that in addition to the gifts that have been talked about, many other spiritual gifts may be developed. (See D&C 46:13-26.) All gifts are given for our benefit. They will bring us great joy and satisfaction as we receive and develop them and use them for the benefit of others. As those in the parable of the talents received great joy as they developed their talents for their master, so can each young woman have joy as she develops her talents for our Master.

Lesson Application

Suggest that each young woman avoid burying her talents by choosing a gift she would like to have and recording her choice on her paper. Have her copy from the chalkboard those steps that would help her develop that gift. She should supplement this list with her own plan of action. (This may be a good time to work with each young woman individually to develop goals and a plan of action.)

Suggested Class Activities

Consider the following activities to help class members develop and share talents:

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