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Young Women Manual 3

A Change of Heart

"Lesson 29: A Change of Heart," Young Women Manual 3, 104


Each young woman will understand and seek for a change of heart.



A Change of Heart Is Necessary in Becoming like God


To introduce the lesson, ask the young women the following questions:

Explain that all of these people have been baptized and are members of the Church.

Teacher presentation

Explain that the scriptures have a name for an important thing that makes a difference between valiant and indifferent members of the Church. This quality is called a change of heart.

Explain that the heart has become the symbol of some of our most important thoughts and emotions. Ask the young women to name some of these. Their list will probably include love, tenderness, dedication, trust, and courage.

Make sure they understand that a change of heart is a change in a person's entire life-her thoughts, feelings, desires, and actions, everything that the heart represents. She gives her love, dedication, intelligence, and talents to the Lord and wants only to serve the Lord.

This change is what the Lord was speaking of when he commanded, "See that ye serve [the Lord] with all your heart, might, mind and strength" (D&C 4:2).

Scripture discussion

Have a young woman read Mosiah 3:19.

Explain that this scripture describes the change that can happen to a person. A natural man is a person who is more concerned with worldly things than with God. If we do the things described in this verse, such as having faith in the Atonement and being meek and humble, we can become saints.

Point out that unless a person's entire life is dedicated to the Lord, she will not have the faith, love, and courage to qualify for the celestial kingdom. A change of heart is a necessary step in becoming like God.

The Scriptures Teach Us How Our Hearts Can Be Changed

Scripture discussion

Explain that the book of Mosiah records the speech that King Benjamin gave to his people when he knew that he would soon die. He taught his people about the Atonement and about their need to repent. This speech was so powerful that all of the people who heard it experienced a change of heart. By studying the things that he told them and the reactions of the people, we can learn what we must do if we are to have a change of heart ourselves.

Have a young woman read Mosiah 4:1-2.

Have a young woman read what King Benjamin said when he saw that the people were repentant, found in Mosiah 4:6-7.

King Benjamin asked the people if they believed his words and if they would trust in the Lord and be faithful all their lives. Have a young woman read the people's answer in Mosiah 5:2, 5. Point out that now the greatest desire these people had was to make a covenant to serve God throughout their lives.


Review with the young women the steps these people went through to have their hearts and lives changed:

Point out that these are the same steps we can go through to change our hearts and lives so that we are living in harmony with the Lord.

A Change of Heart Can Happen Quickly or Gradually

Teacher presentation and discussion

Explain that the people of King Benjamin had their hearts and lives changed quickly, but for many people, the process happens more gradually. They go through the same steps that the people of King Benjamin did, but they do so throughout their lives.

Explain that if the young women have done these things, they have begun to know what it means to have a change of heart. Point out that they should work to have more faith in the Atonement and to obey the commandments more completely. Then gradually they, like the people of King Benjamin, will find that they are losing their desire to do evil. Their whole desire will be to obey the Lord and serve their fellowmen.

Scripture story

Tell, or have a young woman tell, the story of how Alma experienced a change of heart. The story is found in Mosiah 27 and Alma 36.

After the story is told, have a young woman read Alma 36:18-21. Point out that Alma discovered for himself that repentance and dedication to the Lord can bring great joy.


Bear your testimony that repentance and obedience to the commandments bring the greatest possible joy in this life.



Explain that in the scriptures, a change of heart is sometimes called being born again. President David O. McKay described an experience he had that helped him understand how important it is to have your heart and life changed:

"I ... fell asleep, and beheld in vision something infinitely sublime. In the distance I beheld a beautiful white city. Though far away, yet I seemed to realize that trees with luscious fruit, shrubbery with gorgeously-tinted leaves, and flowers in perfect bloom abounded everywhere. The clear sky above seemed to reflect these beautiful shades of color. I then saw a great concourse of people approaching the city. Each one wore a white flowing robe, and a white headdress. Instantly my attention seemed centered upon their Leader, and though I could see only the profile of his features and his body, I recognized him at once as my Savior! The tint and radiance of his countenance were glorious to behold! There was a peace about him which seemed sublime-it was divine!

"The city, I understood, was his. It was the City Eternal; and the people following him were to abide there in peace and eternal happiness.

"But who were they?

"As if the Savior read my thoughts, he answered by pointing to a semicircle that then appeared above them, and on which were written in gold the words:

" 'These Are They Who Have Overcome The World-Who Have Truly Been Born Again!' "

(Cherished Experiences from the Writings of President David O. McKay, comp. Clare Middlemiss [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1965], p. 102).

Lesson Application

Suggest that the young women read Mosiah chapters 2 through 5 so that they can better understand what it means to have a change of heart.

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