Before Thee, Lord, I Bow My Head


31243, Hymns, Before Thee, Lord, I Bow My Head, no. 158

1. Before thee, Lord, I bow my head
And thank thee for what has been said.
My soul vibrates; my poor heart sings
When thy sweet Spirit strikes the strings.
How sweet thy word I've heard this day!
Be thou my guide, O Lord, I pray.
May I in patience do my part.
Seal thou the word upon my heart.

2. Do thou, O Lord, anoint mine eyes
That I may see and win the prize.
My heart is full; mine eyes are wet.
Oh, help me, Lord, lest I forget.
So may my soul be filled with light
That I may see and win the fight,
And then at last exalted be,
In peace and rest, O Lord, with thee.

3. Look up, my soul; be not cast down.
Keep not thine eyes upon the ground.
Break off the shackles of the earth.
Receive, my soul, the spirit's birth.
And now as I go forth again
To mingle with my fellowmen,
Stay thou nearby, my steps to guide,
That I may in thy love abide.

Text and music: Joseph H. Dean, 1855-1947

Psalm 119:103-105

D&C 97:8-9

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