There are three other system commands which have not been previously mentioned: ROSTER, SLEEP and STATUS.ROSTER
Up to 16 user terminals (or Data Sets) may be logged on to the TSB System at one time. These terminals are numbered 0 through 15 by the TSB System. The ROSTER Command, initiated by the word ROSTER, allows the operator to know what user IDcode is logged on at each terminal. The output from ROSTER is formatted into two lines of eight items each. The first line lists, from the left, the users logged on to terminals 0 through 7. The second line lists terminals 8 through 15. An active terminal is denoted by the IDcode of the user logged on to it; an inactive terminal is denoted by four dots (....). The same ID code can be active on more than one terminal. |
The SLEEP Command is used whenever the Time Shared Basic System is to be shut down. The command provides a systematic shut down procedure that allows for easy start-up at a later time. The format of the SLEEP Command is as follows: SLEEP-character string where character string is a message to be sent to all active users. |
The STATUS Command gives the operator information about the hard- ware defined in the system and the use of disc storage. STATUS should be used at least once a day to record the location of the essential parts of the TSB System. (For diagnostic purposes in case of TSB System failure see Section VIII.) Disc address are printed as three decimal numbers, separated by slashes, which specify the disc logical number, the track number, and the sector number. The disc address format is D/TT/SSS. For example, 0/22/013 means disc 0 track 22, sector 13. |