The Time Shared Basic System consists of an HP2116B Computer, a mass
storage device, an operator console, a photoreader, a multiplexor for up
to 16 simultaneous users, and a software program to supervise the system.
The TSB System can operate without attendance, but an operator console is
provided for orderly start-up, shut-down, and response to special
Figure I-1 diagrams the logical organization of the TSB System (figures
are symbolic, not drawn to scale).
Figure I-1. TSB System Overview
The operator has the power, through Operator Commands, to modify the
hardware configuration on-line, to enter, monitor and remove users of the TSB
System, to supervise the mass storage and hardware status, and indirectly, to
establish the System Library. The TSB System, without attendance, will log
users on and off the system, receive and maintain their active BASIC programs,
keep track of the time and mass storage used by each user, and maintain a
personal library of BASIC programs for each user.
The Time Shared Basic System operates on an HP2116B Computer with the
following options:
2116B-05 16K Memory
2160A Power Supply
12578A Direct Memory Access
12579A Extended Arithmetic Unit
12588A Power Fail/Auto Restart
12591A Memory Parity Check
The computer resides in a two-bay cabinet (HP2992Z) along with the following
required devices:
2737A Photoreader
2754B ASR-35 Teleprinter
12532A Photoreader Interface
12531B Teleprinter Interface
Disc Storage unit (see under Options
for mass storage alternatives)
2770A-01 Disc option; non-expandable 6 megabit
2772A Disc Power Supply
12606A Disc Interface
12539A Time Base Generator
12584A-01 Teleprinter Multiplexor
The required hardware must be configured in the following way:
I/O Channel Contents
108 Multiplexor
118 ASR-35 System Console
128 Time Base Generator
138 Photoreader
148-158 Disc (or other mass storage unit)
There are three classes of optional equipment that may be added to the Time
Shared Basic System. Each provides a specific useful capability. An opera-
tor command exists for each class which notifies the TSB System of the exist-
ence of the option. (See Section IV.)
Data Phones
When the 12584A-02 Auto Disconnect option is plugged into any empty I/O
channel of the computer and the TSB System is notified of its location (via
the PHONES Command), the operator may connect a maximum of 16 Data Sets to
the TSB System. Data Sets allow the user to connect to the TSB System over
regular phone lines.
Magnetic Tape Unit
An HP 3030 or 7970 magnetic tape unit may be connected to the TSB System
through any two adjacent free I/O channels. The TSB System will use the
tape unit to dump a copy of the system whenever a SLEEP operation is executed.
Mass Storage Devices
TSB System requires a minimum 64 or 48 track mass storage device, and is ex-
pandable to 256 tracks. Each track contains between 90 and 128 sectors (64
16-bit words per sector), depending on the device. The first physical disc
must be in locations 14-15, but subsequent discs may be in any pair of avail-
able I/O locations.
TSB System treats each 64 tracks as a logical disc unit; a device of 128
tracks would be logically treated as two discs of 64 tracks each. The first
64 tracks are called Disc-0. Be sure to check Section IV dealing with the
DISC Command. This command notifies the TSB System that a mass storage de-
vice is connected to the computer.
The TSB will accept six different devices, three discs and three drums.
Although a particular TSB System may mix discs and drums, they will all be
treated logically as disc units. Throughout this book, any reference to
discs will also refer to drums. Table I-1 lists the mass storage devices
Since the drums are 48, 96, and 192 tracks each and TSB System is designed for
discs of 64-track multiples, the operator must lock the missing tracks after
entering the drum. (See Section IV.)
Table I-1.
Mass Storage Devices
Device Type Sectors/Track # Tracks
2770A-01 disc 90 64
2771A disc 90 64
2711A-01 disc 90 128
2773A drum 128 48
2774A drum 128 96
2775A drum 128 192