SYSTEM INPUT/OUTPUT DUMP (Magnetic Tape) DESCRIPTION This System Input/Output (SIO) Dump routine prepares a single binary paper tape for use in setting up the Magnetic Tape System. It contains the System Input/Output drivers, the significant locations in the System Linkiage area, and optionally, a standard software system. This Dump routine is also used to configure the magnetic tape Inter-Pass Loader. The SIO Dump is an absolute program which is loaded by the Basic Binary Loader after the appropriate SIO drivers are loaded and with related channels assigned. If a software system, for example, the Symbolic Editor, the Assembler, Pass 1 of FORTRAN or Inter-Pass Loader, is to be included on the tape, it is loaded before executing the SIO Dump routine. t The binary tape always includes the following: The System Input/Output drivers The contents of locations 101-104, 106, and 107 The contents of location 5 and 6 If the standard software system is also included, the tape contains the following data: The software system (the contents of 4 up to location defined in 105) The System Input/Output drivers Three software systems are designed for use with the magnetic tape SIO driver; these are the magnetic tape versions of the Assembler, FORTRAN, and the Cross Reference Generator. These are the only systems which require a tape produced by this Dump routine. Increased loading efficiency from tape may be obtained, however, if this routine is used to prepare configured versions of the other standard software systems. The binary tape is produced on the device assigned, as the Standard Punch Output unit. Multiple copies of the tapes may be obtained if needed. OPERATING PROCEDURES To prepare a configured set of SIO drivers (and software system, if desired): A. Check that all equipment to be used is operable. B. Load the Teleprinter driver tape using the Basic Binary Loader. C. Set Switch Register to 000002. Press LOAD ADDRESS. D. Set Switches 5-0 of Switch Register to the channel number of the device asso- ciated with the driver (the lower numbered channel for two address devices. E. Press RUN. -------------------- t If the drivers and the Assembler are to be included on the same paper tape, the Assembler must be loaded before the Magnetic Tape Unit driver. Otherwise, the software system may be loaded after all drivers. 12-1 F. Repeat Steps B through E for the Punched Tape Reader driver. G. Repeat Steps R through E for the Tape Punch driver. H. If tape is being prepared for use with FORTRAN Pass 1, the Assembler, or the Cross Reference Generator, repeat steps B through E for the Magnetic Tape Unit driver. I. If tape is being prepared for use with FORTRAN Pass 1, repeat steps B through E for the Inter-Pass Loader. J. Load standard software system, if pertinent, using Basic Binary Loader.t K. Load SIO Dump tape using Basic Binary Loader. L. Set Switch Register to 000002. Press LOAD ADDRESS. M. Press RUN. O. To obtain multiple copies of tape, repeat from Step L. While the binary tape is being punched the following halt may occur: T-Register Contents Explanation Action 102066 Tape supply low in the Place a new reel of tape in 2753A Tape Punch. Tape Punch and press RUN to continue. ------------------- t Assembler must be loaded before Magnetic Tape Unit driver if both are on the same paper tape. 12-2