ASSEMBLER DIAGNOSTICS Errors detected in the source program are indicated by a 1- or 2- letter mnemonic followed by the sequence number and the first 62 characters of the statement in er- ror. Entry point errors.(Code EN) are printed on the page preceding the listing. The messages may occur during the passes indicated: Error Code Pass Description CS 1 Control statement error: a) The control statement contained a parameter other than the legal set. b) Neither A nor R, or both A and R were specified. c) There was no output parameter (B, T or L). DD 1 Doubly defined symbol: A name defined in the symbol table appears more than once as: a) A label of a machine instruction. b) A label of one of the pseudo operations: BSS EQU ASC ABS DEC OCT DEF Arithmetic subroutine call c) A name in the Operand field of a COM or EXT statement. d) A label in an instruction following a REP pseduo opera- tion. An arithmetic subroutine call symbol appears in a program both as a pseudo instruction and as a label. EN 0000 1 An entry point has been defined in the operand field of an EXT (symbol) or COM statement or has been equated to an absolute value. 2 An entry point specified in an ENT statement does not ap- pear in the label field of a machine or BSS instruction. IF 1 An IFZ or an IFN follows either an IFZ or IFN without an intervening XIF. The second pseudo instruction is ignored. IL 1 Illegal instruction: a) Instruction mnemonic cannot be used with type of as- sembly requested in control statement. The following are illegal in an absolute assembly. NAM EXT ENT COM ORB Arithmetic subroutine calls b) The ASMB statement has an R parameter, and NAM has been detected after the first Opcode. c) Illegal character in a literal. C-1 Error Code Pass Description IL 2 or 3 Illegal character: A numeric term used in the Operand field contains an illegal character (e.g., an octal constant con- tains A-Z, 8 or 9). Illegal instruction: ORB in an absolute assembly. M 1,2, or 3 Illegal operand: a) An operand is missing for an Opcode requiring one. b) Operands are optional and omitted but comments are in- cluded for: SOC SOS HLT c) An absolute expression in one of the following instructions from a relocatable program is greater than 77(8): Memory Reference DEF Arithmetic subroutine calls d) A negative operand is used with an Opcode field other than ABS, DEC, and OCT. e) A character other than I follows a comma in one of the following statements: ISZ ADA AND DEF JMP ADB XOR Arithmetic JSB LDA IOR subroutine LDB CPA calls STA CPB STB f) A character other than C follows a comma in one of the following statements: STC MIB CLC OTA LLA OTB LIB HLT MIA g) A relocatable expression in the Operand Field of one of of the following: ABS or REP h) An illegal operator appears in an Operand field (e.g., + or - as the last character). i) An ORG statement appearing in a relocatable program includes an expression that is base page or common re- locatable or absolute. j) A relocatable expression contains an illegal mixture of program, base page, and common relocatable terms. k) An external symbol appears in an operand expression or is followed by a comma and the letter I. C-2 Error Code Pass Description l) The literal or type of literal is illegal for operation code used. m) Operand of EAU shift-rotate instruction = 0 or >16. NO 1 No origin definition: The first statement in the assembly containing a valid Opcode following the ASMB control state- ment and remarks, if any is neither an ORG nor NAM state- ment, If the A parameter was given on the ASMB statement, the program is assembled starting at 2000; if a R parameter was given, the program is assembled starting at zero. OP 1 Illegal Opcode following control statement: A valid Opcode has not yet been encountered and the statement being proc- essed does not contain an asterisk in position one. The statement is assumed to contain an illegal Opcode; it is treated as a remarks statement OP 1, 2, or 3 Illegal Opcode: A mnemonic appears in the Opcode field which is not valid for the hardware configured in an As- sembler being used. A word is generated in the object program. OV 1, 2, or 3 Numeric operand overflow: The numeric value of a term or expression has overflowed its limit: 2**6-1 Input/Output, Overflow, Halt 2**10-1 Memory Reference 2**15-1 DEF and ABS operands; data gener- ated by DEC; expressions concerned with program location counter. 2**16-1 OCT R? Before 1 An attempt is being made to assemble a relocatable pro- gram following the assembly of an absolute program. The Assembler must be reloaded. SO 1 There are more symbols defined in the program than the symbol table can handle. SY 1 Illegal Symbol: A Label field contains an illegal character or is greater than 5 characters. A label with illegal char- acters may result in an erroneous assembly if not corrected. A long label is truncated on the right to 5 characters. SY 2 or 3 a) Illegal Symbol: A symbolic term in the Operand field is greater than five characters; the symbol is truncated on the right to 5 characters. b) Too many control statements: A control statement has been entered on the Teleprinter and the source tape. The second control statement (on the tape) is interpreted as an illegal label (since it begins in position 1). The binary object tape is not affected by this error; the con- trol statement entered via the Teleprinter is the one used by the Assembler. C-3 Error Code Pass Description TP 1, 2, or 3 An error has occurred while reading or writing magnetic tape, if the T-register contains 102040, an irrecoverable error has occurred; restart assembly. Otherwise, correct condition and resume. UN 1, 2, or 3 Undefined symbol: a) A symbolic term in an Operand field is not defined in the Label field of an instruction or is not defined in the Operand field of a COM or EXT statement. b) A symbol appearing in the Operand field of one of the following pseudo operations was not defined previously in the source program: BSS ASC EQU ORG END C-4