King of Israel; the chief events of his reign were his joint maritime expedition with Jehoshaphat (2 Chr. 20: 35-37) and the revolt of Moab (see Moabite Stone) (2 Kgs. 1: 2; 2 Kgs. 3: 4-5; see also 1 Kgs. 22: 40, 49-53; 2 Kgs. 1).
King of Judah; joined Jehoram, king of Israel, in his attempt to recover Ramoth-gilead; was wounded in Samaria; and died at Megiddo (2 Kgs. 8: 25-29; 2 Kgs. 9: 16-29; 2 Kgs. 10: 13; 2 Kgs. 12: 18; 1 Chr. 3: 11; 2 Chr. 22: 1-11); called Azariah (2 Chr. 22: 6), and Jehoahaz (2 Chr. 21: 17).