Created, Gen. 1: 24; names given to, Gen. 2: 20; dominion over, given to man, Gen. 1: 24-26; Gen. 9: 2; Ps. 8: 6-8; cf. Mark 1: 13; preserved in the ark, Gen. 6: 19-22; penalty for offences against, Ex. 21: 33-34; care for, Ex. 22: 30; Ex. 23: 5, 19; Ex. 34: 26; Lev. 22: 27-28; Deut. 14: 21; Deut. 22: 4, 6-7; Deut. 25: 4; Prov. 12: 10; 1 Cor. 9: 9; 1 Tim. 5: 18.