
Regarded by the Israelites as the seat of the life or vital energy of all flesh (Lev. 17: 10-14). In O.T. times blood was forbidden as food (Gen. 9: 4; Lev. 3: 17; Lev. 7: 26-27; Lev. 19: 26; Deut. 12: 16, 23; 1 Sam. 14: 32-34), which restriction was continued in the church in N.T. times, at the Jerusalem conference (Acts 15: 20-29). The atoning power of a sacrifice was in the blood because it was regarded as containing the life of the animal and because the sacrifice was a type of the great sacrifice who is Jesus Christ (Lev. 17: 11; Heb. 9: 22). The scripture says that "almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission" (Heb. 9: 22). Jesus worked out a perfect atonement by the shedding of his own blood (1 Jn. 1: 7; Rev. 5: 9-10; Mosiah 3: 16-19; 3 Ne. 27: 19-21; D&C 45: 4; D&C 76: 69). Joseph Smith, as have many other prophets, sealed his testimony with his blood that the righteous might be honored and the wicked might be condemned (Rev. 6: 9-10; D&C 135: 6-7; D&C 136: 39).

Often a covenant was sealed with blood (Gen. 15: 9-18; Ex. 24: 8; Zech. 9: 11; Matt. 26: 28; Heb. 10: 29; Heb. 13: 20).