A word often used in the Bible. A pillar of cloud hovered over the camp by day, while Israel traveled through the wilderness. It went before them when they were to march to the next stopping place. At night it became a pillar of fire over the tabernacle (Ex. 13: 21-22; Ex. 14: 24; Ex. 33: 9-10; Num. 9: 15-23; Num. 10: 11-12, 34; Deut. 31: 15; Neh. 9: 12). The Lord called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud on Mount Sinai (Ex. 24: 16), and a cloud filled the temple of Solomon (1 Kgs. 8: 10-11). The Father spoke from a "bright cloud" on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt. 17: 5); and at Jesus' ascension a cloud received him out of sight (Acts 1: 9). These were no doubt clouds of glory, not the dull, gray clouds of rain. Furthermore, at the Lord's second advent he will come with clouds (Rev. 1: 7).