Sometimes used for guarding flocks, but usually held in aversion by the Israelites, being regarded as half-wild, greedy creatures, running about at will without a master and acting as public scavengers (Deut. 23: 18; 1 Sam. 17: 43; 1 Sam. 24: 14; 2 Sam. 3: 8; 2 Sam. 9: 8; 2 Sam. 16: 9; 2 Kgs. 8: 13; Ps. 59: 6; Matt. 7: 6; Matt. 15: 26; Philip. 3: 2; Rev. 22: 15); the name is applied to false teachers (Isa. 56: 10, 11; Philip. 3: 2); and frequently by Jews to Gentiles (Mark 7: 27).