
The word Zion is used repeatedly in all the standard works of the Church, and is defined in latter-day revelation as "the pure in heart" (D&C 97: 21). Other usages of Zion have to do with a geographical location. For example, Enoch built a city that was called Zion (Moses 7: 18-19). Solomon built his temple on Mount Zion (1 Kgs. 8: 1; cf. 2 Sam. 5: 6-7); and Jackson County. Missouri, is called Zion in many of the revelations in the D&C, such as D&C 58: 49-50; D&C 62: 4; D&C 63: 48; D&C 72: 13; D&C 84: 76; D&C 104: 47. The city of New Jerusalem, to be built in Jackson County, Missouri, is to be called Zion (D&C 45: 66-67). The revelations also speak of "the cause of Zion" (D&C 6: 6; D&C 11: 6). In a wider sense all of North and South America are Zion (HC 6: 318-19). For further references see 1 Chr. 11: 5; Ps. 2: 6; Ps. 99: 2; Ps. 102: 16; Isa. 1: 27; Isa. 2: 3; Isa. 4: 3-5; Isa. 33: 20; Isa. 52: 1-8; Isa. 59: 20; Jer. 3: 14; Jer. 31: 6; Joel 2: 1-32; Amos 6: 1; Obad. 1: 17, 21; Heb. 12: 22-24; Rev. 14: 1-5; and many others. (In the N.T., Zion is spelled Sion.)