May 2000

Volume 30 Number 5

Ensign, May 2000
[illustrations] On the covers: Front and back: The First Vision, by Gary L. Kapp, oil on canvas, 40" x 36", 1998. Courtesy of Douglas and Janice Kapp Perry. Inside front: Resurrection Morning, photo by Steven Edwards. Courtesy of Museum of Church History and Art, Fifth International Art Competition. Inside back: Christ's Triumphal Entry, by Robert T. Barrett, oil on board, 28" x 34", 1996.

[photos] Photos of conference were taken by Jed Clark, Craig Dimond, John Luke, Welden Andersen, Matt Reier, Tamra Ratieta, Lana Leishman, Allexis Duce.


Report of the 170th Annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Saturday Morning Session

To All the World in Testimony
President Gordon B. Hinckley

The Cloven Tongues of Fire
President Boyd K. Packer

Future Leaders
Elder Harold G. Hillam

Living Happily Ever After
Coleen K. Menlove

Elder Dallin H. Oaks

The Shield of Faith
President James E. Faust

Saturday Afternoon Session

The Sustaining of Church Officers
President Thomas S. Monson

The Church Audit Committee Report
Ted E. Davis

Statistical Report, 1999
F. Michael Watson

"Thou Shalt Give Heed unto All His Words"
Elder L. Tom Perry

A Temple for West Africa
Elder Glenn L. Pace

Keep an Eternal Perspective
Elder Jay E. Jensen

"Are You Still Here?"
Elder Gary J. Coleman

"How Is It with Us?"
Elder M. Russell Ballard

Faith, Devotion, and Gratitude
Elder David B. Haight

Priesthood Session

The Sanctity of Womanhood
Elder Richard G. Scott

Honoring the Priesthood
Bishop H. David Burton

Your Own Personal Testimony
Elder Angel Abrea

The Power of Self-Mastery
President James E. Faust

Your Eternal Voyage
President Thomas S. Monson

The Stake President
President Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday Morning Session

Your Eternal Home
President Thomas S. Monson

Finding a Safe Harbor
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

The Widows of Zion
Elder Earl C. Tingey

We Are Creators
Mary Ellen Smoot

Watch Over and Strengthen
Elder Henry B. Eyring

My Testimony
President Gordon B. Hinckley

Sunday Afternoon Session

Content with the Things Allotted unto Us
Elder Neal A. Maxwell

As Doves to Our Windows
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Heavenly Father Has a Special Plan
Elder Yoshihiko Kikuchi

"Because My Father Sent Me"
Elder Loren C. Dunn

A Brief Introduction to the Church
Elder John B. Dickson

The Creation
Elder Russell M. Nelson

A Time of New Beginnings
President Gordon B. Hinckley

General Young Women Meeting

Standing with God
Sharon G. Larsen

Carol B. Thomas

Stand as a Witness
Margaret D. Nadauld

Womanhood: The Highest Place of Honor
President James E. Faust

General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Index for April 2000 General Conference and General Young Women Meeting

News of the Church

Conference Tapes Available

Cassette tape recordings of conference sessions are available for meetinghouse libraries from all English-language distribution centers, generally within two months following conference. Recordings for the deaf (videocassettes with a signing inset) and for the visually impaired (slow-speed audiocassette tapes) are available from Special Curriculum, 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150-3200, United States of America.

Conference Talks on Internet

To access general conference talks on the Internet, visit the Church's official Web site: www.lds.org.

Visiting Teaching

There are no designated visiting teaching messages printed in the May and November general conference issues of the Ensign. After prayerfully considering the needs of the sisters they visit, visiting teachers are to choose as the message for those months a general conference address that would meet the needs of the sisters.

General Conference Music

Saturday Morning, 1 April 2000, General Session
Music by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, directed by Craig Jessop, Mack Wilberg, and Barlow Bradford, with organist John Longhurst: "The Morning Breaks" (Hymns, no. 1); "Redeemer of Israel" (arr. Wilberg, published by Hinshaw [ASCAP]; Hymns, no. 6); "We Love Thy House, O God" (Hymns, no. 247); "How Firm a Foundation" (Hymns, no. 85); "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee" (Hymns, no. 141); "Come, O Thou King of Kings" (arr. Kasen, published by Jackman; Hymns, no. 59).

Saturday Afternoon, 1 April 2000, General Session
Music by a combined choir from Brigham Young University, directed by Ronald Staheli and Rosalind Hall, with organist Bonnie Goodliffe: "Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah" (arr. Hall, unpublished; Hymns, no. 83); "Behold the Wounds in Jesus' Hands" (Pearson/Naylor, published by Jackman); "Now Let Us Rejoice" (Hymns, no. 3); "More Holiness Give Me" (arr. Staheli, published by Jackman; Hymns, no. 131).

Saturday Evening, 1 April 2000, Priesthood Session
Music by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and a choir of returned missionaries, directed by Craig Jessop and Mack Wilberg, with organist Richard Elliott: "Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise" (arr. Wilberg, unpublished; Hymns, no. 41); "Praise to the Man" (arr. Wilberg, unpublished; Hymns, no. 27); "Ye Elders of Israel" (Hymns, no. 319); "Beautiful Savior" (arr. Wilberg, unpublished; Children's Songbook, 62).

Sunday Morning, 2 April 2000, General Session
Music by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, directed by Craig Jessop, with organist Clay Christiansen: "Let Earth's Inhabitants Rejoice" (Hymns, no. 53); "Press Forward, Saints" (arr. Bradford, published by Deseret Book; Hymns, no. 81); "How Great the Wisdom and the Love" (Hymns, no. 195); "Israel, Israel, God Is Calling" (Hymns, no. 7); "Come, Come, Ye Saints" (arr. Cornwall, published by Jackman; Hymns, no. 30); "The Spirit of God" (arr. Wilberg, published by Deseret Book; Hymns, no. 2).

Sunday Afternoon, 2 April 2000, General Session
Music by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, directed by Craig Jessop and Barlow Bradford, with organist Linda Margetts: "Rejoice, the Lord Is King!" (arr. Bradford, unpublished; Hymns, no. 66); "Come unto Him" (Hymns, no. 114); "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet" (Hymns, no. 19); "Sing We Now at Parting" (arr. Wilberg, unpublished; Hymns, no. 156).

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