Volume 35, Number 1
Ensign, Jan. 2005
[illustration] Cover: If Any of You Lack Wisdom, by Walter Rane
[illustration] Inside front cover: The Good Samaritan, by Meridene Grant. May not be copied.
[illustration] Inside back cover: Windows of Heaven, by David Lindsley. May not be copied. Portrayed in a scene likely in fall 1835, the Prophet Joseph Smith (center) assists Joseph and Brigham Young (top) with window installation in the Kirtland Temple, the first of the latter-day temples. Oliver Cowdery (left) and Sidney Rigdon (right) assisted in the temple's preparations.
First Presidency Message: Pursue the Steady Course
President Gordon B. Hinckley
Allegiance to God
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
The First Vision: Searching for the Truth
Ronald O. Barney
Doctrine and Covenants Times at a Glance, Chart 1: Sections 1-64
Gospel Classics: The Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants
President Ezra Taft Benson
Messages from the Doctrine and Covenants: Broken Car, Broken Dreams?
Elder Clate W. Mask Jr.
Confidence and Self-Worth
Elder Glenn L. Pace
Singular Happiness
My Classroom Kimberly D. Nelson
A Different Path Rebecca M. Taylor
David O. McKay: Ambassador of the Faith
Wade Murdock
S. Michael Wilcox
Strengthening the Family: Created in the Image of God, Male and Female
Falling Out of Love ... and Climbing Back In
Name Withheld
Becoming a Deacon
Laury Livsey
When a Loved One Struggles with Addiction
Corrie Lynne Player
Visiting Teaching Message: Rejoice in the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ