By President Ezra Taft Benson
Published in the Ensign, Nov. 1988, 2-9. Punctuation, capitalization, and spelling updated; endnotes added.
Ezra Taft Benson, "Flooding the Earth with the Book of Mormon," Ensign, Oct. 2005, 60
Ezra Taft Benson was born on August 4, 1899, in Whitney, Idaho, to George T. and Sarah Dunkley Benson. After his mission to Great Britain, he married Flora Amussen on September 10, 1926. He was ordained an Apostle on October 7, 1943, by President Heber J. Grant. From 1953 to 1961 he served as Secretary of Agriculture in the cabinet of United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Elder Benson was set apart as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on December 30, 1973. On November 10, 1985, he became President of the Church. He died in Salt Lake City, Utah, on May 30, 1994. The following is an excerpt of a talk given in October 1988 general conference.
This has been a landmark year in the history of the Church in the use of the keystone of our religion-the Book of Mormon. This sacred volume of scripture has brought more souls to Christ, both within and without the Church, than ever before. ...
The Book of Mormon is the instrument that God designed to "sweep the earth as with a flood, to gather out [His] elect" (Moses 7:62). This sacred volume of scripture needs to become more central in our preaching, our teaching, and our missionary work.
At present, the Book of Mormon is studied in our Sunday School and seminary classes every fourth year. This four-year pattern, however, must not be followed by Church members in their personal and family study. We need to read daily from the pages of the book that will get a man "nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book." 1
And when we are called upon to study or teach other scriptures, we need to strengthen that undertaking by frequent reference to the additional insights which the Book of Mormon may provide on the subject (see 1 Ne. 13:40; 2 Ne. 3:12). ...
The time is long overdue for a massive flooding of the earth with the Book of Mormon for the many reasons which the Lord has given. In this age of electronic media and mass distribution of the printed word, God will hold us accountable if we do not now move the Book of Mormon in a monumental way.
We have the Book of Mormon, we have the members, we have the missionaries, we have the resources, and the world has the need. The time is now!
My beloved brothers and sisters, we hardly fathom the power of the Book of Mormon, nor the divine role it must play, nor the extent to which it must be moved.
"Few men on earth," said Elder Bruce R. McConkie, "either in or out of the Church, have caught the vision of what the Book of Mormon is all about. Few are they among men who know the part it has played and will yet play in preparing the way for the coming of Him of whom it is a new witness. ... The Book of Mormon shall so affect men that the whole earth and all its peoples will have been influenced and governed by it. ... There is no greater issue ever to confront mankind in modern times than this: Is the Book of Mormon the mind and will and voice of God to all men?" 2 We testify that it is.
Now, my good Saints, we have a great work to perform in a very short time. We must flood the earth with the Book of Mormon-and get out from under God's condemnation for having treated it lightly (see D&C 84:54-58). ...
I challenge our mission leaders to show their missionaries how to challenge their contacts to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. Missionaries need to know how to use the Book of Mormon to arouse mankind's interest in studying it, and they need to show how it answers the great questions of the soul. Missionaries need to read with those they teach various passages from the Book of Mormon on gospel subjects.
I challenge our Church writers, teachers, and leaders to tell us more Book of Mormon conversion stories that will strengthen our faith and prepare great missionaries. Show us how to effectively use it as a missionary tool, and let us know how it leads us to Christ and answers our personal problems and those of the world.
I challenge those who are in business and other professions to see that there are copies of the Book of Mormon in their reception rooms. ...
I challenge the homes of Israel to display on their walls great quotations and scenes from the Book of Mormon.
I challenge all of us to prayerfully consider steps that we can personally take to bring this new witness for Christ more fully into our own lives and into a world that so desperately needs it.
I have a vision of homes alerted, of classes alive, and of pulpits aflame with the spirit of Book of Mormon messages.
I have a vision of home teachers and visiting teachers, ward and branch officers, and stake and mission leaders counseling our people out of the most correct of any book on earth-the Book of Mormon.
I have a vision of artists putting into film, drama, literature, music, and paintings great themes and great characters from the Book of Mormon.
I have a vision of thousands of missionaries going into the mission field with hundreds of passages memorized from the Book of Mormon so that they might feed the needs of a spiritually famished world.
I have a vision of the whole Church getting nearer to God by abiding by the precepts of the Book of Mormon.
Indeed, I have a vision of flooding the earth with the Book of Mormon.
My beloved Saints, I am now entering my 90th year. I am getting older and less vigorous and am so grateful for your prayers and for the support of my younger Brethren. I thank the Lord for renewing my body from time to time so that I can still help build His kingdom.
I do not know fully why God has preserved my life to this age, but I do know this: That for the present hour He has revealed to me the absolute need for us to move the Book of Mormon forward now in a marvelous manner. You must help with this burden and with this blessing which He has placed on the whole Church, even all the children of Zion.
Moses never entered the promised land. Joseph Smith never saw Zion redeemed. Some of us may not live long enough to see the day when the Book of Mormon floods the earth and when the Lord lifts His condemnation (see D&C 84:54-58). But, God willing, I intend to spend all my remaining days in that glorious effort.
Gospel topics: Book of Mormon, missionary work, scripture study
1. History of the Church, 4:461.
2. The Millennial Messiah (1982), 159, 170, 179.
Most Ensign articles can be used for family home evening discussions, personal reflection, or teaching the gospel in a variety of settings.
1. Design a family home evening dramatizing one of the "great themes" or a story of one of the "great characters" from the Book of Mormon as suggested by President Benson. Invite family members to share personal experiences with the converting power of the Book of Mormon.
2. Display a picture of the world and then place it in a pan and pour water over it. Discuss what flooding the world means. Divide the article into sections and assign different family members to explain what their section teaches about flooding the earth with the Book of Mormon. Testify of how the Book of Mormon has affected your life and invite other family members to do the same.
3. Place one of President Benson's challenges or visions on a poster and display it in a prominent place in your home. Decide how your family can work toward meeting the challenge. Follow up with a future family home evening, and chart your progress.
[photo] © Busath Photography, may not be copied
[photo] Photograph by Jed Clark
[illustration] And He Healed Them All, Every One, by Gary L. Kapp, may not be copied