"They Spoke to Us: Making Conference Part of Our Lives," Ensign, Nov. 2005, 118
What will you do to make the teachings in general conference part of your life or your family's life? You could use some of the following ideas for discussion or study, or you could make up your own questions or choose your own topics. (Numbers in parentheses refer to the beginning page number of the talks.) The accompanying list of stories may also help.
1. Into how many languages was general conference translated? (Clue: Search President Gordon B. Hinckley's talk on page 103.)
2. William Tyndale played an important part in preparing the world for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. What did he do, and how did that help the young Joseph Smith? (Clue: Read President Boyd K. Packer's talk on page 70.)
3. When and by whom was "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" given? (Clue: Search Elder M. Russell Ballard's talk on page 41.)
4. What did President Hinckley ask us to do by the end of the year, and what did he promise us if we do it? (Clue: Mentioned in several talks. Look in Elder Charles Didier's talk on page 48 for one example.)
5. What did President Gordon B. Hinckley call "the great principle emphasized in all of scripture, both ancient and modern"? He said, "It may be the greatest virtue on earth, and certainly the most needed." (81)
6. Have you ever been chosen last to play on a team? President Thomas S. Monson knows how you feel; he's been there too. See how things turned out for him and why he says, "Never give up." (56)
7. Often people of other faiths notice something different about us, something special. See what President James E. Faust says about the importance of our example to others in "The Light in Their Eyes." (20)
8. What is the difference between going on a mission and becoming a missionary? See what Elder David A. Bednar says is the single most important thing you can do to prepare for a mission call. (44)
9. What hymns did Elder Russell M. Nelson use to answer a missionary's question about the Atonement? (85) Which hymns about the Savior are especially inspiring to your family? Consider singing and talking about them in family home evening.
10. What historical events prepared the way for the gospel to be preached in your country or to your family? Elder Robert D. Hales spoke of some of them and of how they have helped prepare the way for the Second Coming. (88)
11. Elder Merrill J. Bateman spoke about the real and personal nature of Jesus Christ's suffering in Gethsemane. (74) How have you felt its effects in your life?
12. Elder Paul K. Sybrowsky asks, "What would Christ do if He had my opportunities?" (35) How can we make Christ-centered decisions about our opportunities? How can we use them to build the kingdom of God?