"Making the Most of This Issue," Ensign, Apr. 2006, 80
Comfort and Guidance in the Proclamation
Jeffrey Hill was inspired to memorize "The Family: A Proclamation to the World." Then amazing things started happening. Portions of this inspired document would come to his mind at just the right moment to help him deal with challenges he was facing as a husband and father. See page 52.
Our Child, His Child
What do you do when a child needs comfort in the middle of the night and you feel you need comfort as well? One daughter taught her father an important lesson about prayer and the sweet presence of the Holy Ghost. See page 10.
Appreciating Toddlers
A mother with two toddlers underfoot finds a valuable perspective on parenthood in the example of the Savior, who invited little children to come unto Him. See page 57.
Gethsemane, Calvary, and the Empty Tomb
Latter-day prophets and apostles describe what happened in the Garden of Gethsemane, on the cross, and at the empty tomb. They bear witness of the Savior's infinite Atonement and His Resurrection. See page 12.
Coming unto Christ
Elder Merrill J. Bateman of the Seventy writes: "Jesus invited the multitude to arise and approach Him one by one, to thrust their hands into His side and feel the print of the nails in His hands and feet. Remember, there were 2,500 people. How long would it take for each person to approach the Savior, feel the print of the nails, touch His side, and perhaps receive a brief embrace? Suppose it took 15 seconds per person. The time required would exceed 10 hours for the multitude to fulfill the invitation." See "Becoming a Disciple of Christ," page 16.
Is There Life after Death?
A missionary's father dies unexpectedly, and she comes face-to-face with the very truths she is teaching to others. To read how she finds comfort in the plan of salvation, see page 61.
The Sweet Peace of Forgiveness
"If, through the Atonement of Christ, we obtain a remission of sins," explains Elder Daniel P. Alvarez of the Seventy, "then 'though [our] sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow.' " See page 7.
Together in the Faith
Whether you are single or married, the most important aspect of belonging to the Church is to be involved in your ward or branch. To read about how single members from many countries find joy and belonging through Church involvement, see page 42.
Finding What Was Lost
Andres Sanchez helped save his town's genealogical records during the Spanish Civil War. Later his granddaughter used those same records to open the way to temple ordinances for thousands of her ancestors. See page 58.
Patience and Example
How long would you wait to have your family sealed to you? It took one woman more than 20 years. But along the way she learned important lessons about being an example and trying to improve herself rather than remaking her husband, who was not a member. See page 30.
Find the monthly messages on page 2 and page 64.