Volume 37 Number 1
Ensign, Jan. 2007
[illustration] On the cover: Master, I Have Brought unto Thee My Son, by Walter Rane, courtesy of the Museum of Church History and Art.
[illustration] Inside front cover: Raising of Lazarus, by Jeffrey Hein. Courtesy Williams Fine Art, © Jeffrey Hein, may not be copied.
[illustration] Inside back cover: Spring Hill, Daviess County, Missouri: Named by the Lord, Adam-ondi-Ahman, by Garth Robinson Oborn. Courtesy Henry Schwendiman, © Garth Robinson Oborn, may not be copied.
First Presidency Message: The Forces That Will Save Us
President James E. Faust
The eternal gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ will save us from the disorder, violence, chaos, destruction, misery, and deceit that are upon the earth.
Visiting Teaching Message: Become an Instrument in the Hands of God
Feature Articles
Living Right
Elder Richard G. Scott
Success can be found in living with patterns of faith, obedience, integrity, and sacrifice.
All Things Bear Record of Him
Adam C. Olson
Young adults in Germany share their testimonies of the Savior.
Getting Back on Track
Larry W. Sidwell
Our family had been derailed from the gospel by a series of choices-until we were touched by faithful Primary teachers.
Teaching Children to Worship
Joan Hughes and Helen Hughes
It is not always easy, but we can teach our children to behave in ways that invite the Spirit.
The Earrings
Viktor Makarov
We were disappointed to discover that my wife's earring was missing-until we realized we could lose something even more valuable.
Lost on the Tundra
Todd Crosland
My dream became a nightmare, but I realized I had plenty to keep me going through the cold, dark night.
Home Teaching the Single Sister
Salli Hollenzer
Home teachers have the opportunity to bless the lives of single sisters, who may not have the influence of the priesthood in their homes. One sister shares ideas based on her experience.
Christ's Ministry and Miracles
See the Savior's life through artists' eyes.
Spencer W. Kimball: Man of Action
Garrett H. Garff
President Spencer W. Kimball taught that "the Master's plan is a program of doing, of living, not merely knowing."
Waiting for the Bus
Sam An Anderson
The time I spent waiting was boring and frustrating. Then I noticed the Ensign lying on the seat of my car.
Easing the Pain of Miscarriage
Summer Thorp
You can do much to support parents dealing with miscarriage. Here are some suggestions.
Keeping the Sabbath and Keeping My Job
Kendal Brian Hunter
A member whose job requires him to work on Sundays shares several ways he honors the Sabbath.
Taking Courage in the Hymns
Turning to sacred music sustained these members facing challenges and helped them move forward.
To Be Edified and Rejoice Together
A. Roger Merrill
Great power comes to us as we learn to teach and receive by the Spirit. Only the Spirit can communicate specifically and individually to each of us what we need to know.
Lessons from the New Testament: Thou Art the Christ
Elder C. Scott Grow
Studying the New Testament can transform our lives and help us become more like the Savior.
Latter-day Saint Voices
A Book of Mormon comes through a mugging, a suit finds a new owner, a father defends the truth.
Random Sampler
Family home evening for couples, swapping and sharing, a family service calendar, chatting with children.
Ensign, Jan. 2007, 2
The Ensign welcomes submissions that show the gospel of Jesus Christ at work in the lives of Latter-day Saints, especially articles with personal experiences and gospel insights. This month, we are especially interested in how you or others have adapted Church programs and materials to fit the needs of those with mental or emotional disabilities. We invite you to share your experience in a 500-word narrative labeled "Adapting 2" and send it by February 16.
Send to: ensign@ldschurch.org or Ensign Editorial, 50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA. Include your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and ward and stake (or branch and district).
Writers' guidelines: Visit the link in the lower-right corner of the Gospel Library page at www.lds.org. Due to the volume of submissions, we cannot acknowledge receipt. Authors whose work is selected for publication will be notified. If you would like your manuscript, photos, art, or other material returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Teaching about meaningful worship. After reading "Teaching Children to Worship" (p. 24), talk with your children about how they feel when they behave reverently. How are your meetings different for them-and for you-when everyone participates in worship?
Remembering President Spencer W. Kimball. After reading "Spencer W. Kimball: Man of Action" (p. 46), have you identified ways that you can become a man or woman of action? Learn more about the twelfth President of the Church by typing "Spencer W. Kimball" in the "Quick search" field of the Gospel Library. From www.lds.org select Gospel Library, and then click on HTML (Text) under Church Publications.
Feeling the Holy Ghost through music. After reading "Taking Courage in the Hymns" (p. 60), consider ways you can benefit from the hymns more often. Consider memorizing the words of your favorite hymn.
Look for articles on:
* Finding hope and strength in the gospel as the only Church member in your family.
* Restoring peace and unity through "turning the other cheek."
* Choosing to follow the wisdom of God instead of the wisdom of men-even when it doesn't seem to make sense to do so.