"They Spoke to Us," Ensign, May 2009, 128-29
Making Conference Part of Our Lives
How will you make the teachings in general conference part of your life and the lives of your family members? Consider using some of these statements and questions as a starting point for discussion or personal pondering.
You can also read, listen to, or watch general conference talks online in the Gospel Library at www.generalconference.lds.org or view and share excerpts at www.mormonmessages.org.
* "My beloved brothers and sisters, fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith. I declare that God lives and that He hears and answers our prayers. His Son, Jesus Christ, is our Savior and our Redeemer. Heaven's blessings await us."-President Thomas S. Monson (See p. 89 .)
* "You and I can walk in the path of discipleship today. Let us be humble; let us pray to our Father in Heaven with all our heart and express our desire to draw close to Him and learn of Him."-President Dieter F. Uchtdorf (See p. 75 .)
* "I do know with perfect and certain clarity through the power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, the Beloved Son of God."-Elder Neil L. Andersen (See p. 78 .)
* "You are never lost when you can see the temple. The temple will provide direction for you and your family in a world filled with chaos."-Elder Gary E. Stevenson (See p. 101 .)
* "Am I an example of respect in my home by the way I treat those I love the most? ... Respect for others and reverence for God are close cousins."-Margaret S. Lifferth (See p. 11 .)
* Talking about the Internet, President Thomas S. Monson said, "It provides nearly limitless opportunities for acquiring useful and important information." But he also warned of those who use the Internet for "evil and degrading purposes" that can "literally destroy the spirit." (See p. 112 .)
* Just what should you be doing as a junior home teaching companion? What do you do if one of your friends starts to stray from the Church? Read what President Henry B. Eyring had to say about both of these situations. (See p. 63 .)
* "Someone has called this the 'me' generation-a selfish time when everyone seems to be asking, what's in it for me?" said Elder Dallin H. Oaks. But he added hopefully, "As a group, Latter-day Saints are unique ... in the extent of their unselfish service." (See p. 93 .)
* "You cannot do a Google search to gain a testimony. You can't text message faith," says Elder M. Russell Ballard. He explains that there is no new technology for gaining a testimony. Then he tells what the process is. (See p. 31 .)
* What kind of young women are young men really attracted to? Sister Elaine S. Dalton reveals one of the hidden "boy secrets" and talks about a return to the value of virtue. (See p. 120 .)
* Read the story of President Henry B. Eyring's bishop. How did he show love and give service to others? How can you as a family follow this example? Discuss some specific things you can do to serve others. (See p. 23 .)
* President Dieter F. Uchtdorf spoke about the lesson of the lightbulb. What was the lesson in his example? How can that lesson apply in your life? (See p. 59 .)
* Elder L. Tom Perry taught, "We're missing a golden opportunity to grow the Church when we wait for the full-time missionaries to warn our neighbors instead of doing it ourselves." Consider whom you might reach out to. How can you share your testimony with him or her? (See p. 109 .)
* Elder Russell M. Nelson described the lessons we can learn from the way the Savior prayed. How might you enhance your own prayers based on His example? (See p. 46 .)
* Elder Robert D. Hales taught: "The appetite to possess worldly things can only be satisfied by turning to the Lord. The hunger of addiction can only be replaced by our love for Him." Think about times you have felt the Savior's love. In what ways is it stronger than the hungers or voids we feel in our lives? (See p. 7 .)
* After discussing the power of temple covenants and ordinances, Elder David A. Bednar issued several invitations at the end of his talk. Which one is applicable to you? What will you do about his invitation? (See p. 97 .)
Photograph of Logan Utah Temple by Steve Tregeagle; photograph of medallion by Christina Smith; photograph of Salt Lake Temple by Craig Dimond
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