See also Adam-ondi-Ahman; Archangel; Eden; Eve; Fall of Adam and Eve; Michael

The first man created on earth.

Adam is the father and patriarch of the human race on the earth. His transgression in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3; D&C 29: 40-42; Moses 4) caused him to "fall" and become mortal, a step necessary in order for mankind to progress on this earth (2 Ne. 2: 14-29; Alma 12: 21-26). Adam and Eve should therefore be honored for their role in making our eternal growth possible. Adam is the Ancient of Days and is also known as Michael (Dan. 7; D&C 27: 11; 107: 53-54; 116; 138: 38). He is the archangel and will come again to the earth as the patriarch of the human family, preparatory to the second coming of Jesus Christ (D&C 29: 26).

God created man in his own image, Gen. 1: 26-28 (Moses 2: 26-28; Abr. 4: 26-28). God gave man dominion over all things and commanded him to multiply and fill the earth, Gen. 1: 28-31 (Moses 2: 28-31; Abr. 4: 28-31). God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and forbade them to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, Gen. 2: 7-9, 15-17 (Moses 3: 7-9, 15-17; Abr. 5: 7-13). Adam named every living creature, Gen. 2: 19-20 (Moses 3: 19-20; Abr. 5: 20-21). Adam and Eve were married by God, Gen. 2: 18-25 (Moses 3: 18-25; Abr. 5: 14-21). Adam and Eve were tempted by Satan, partook of the forbidden fruit, and were cast out of the Garden of Eden, Gen. 3 (Moses 4). Adam was 930 years old at his death, Gen. 5: 5 (Moses 6: 12). Adam was the first man, D&C 84: 16. Before his death Adam called his righteous posterity together at Adam-ondi-Ahman and blessed them, D&C 107: 53-57. Adam offered sacrifice, Moses 5: 4-8. Adam was baptized, received the Holy Ghost, and was ordained to the priesthood, Moses 6: 51-68.