In the Book of Mormon, a missionary companion of Alma, son of Alma.
Was visited by an angel, Alma 8: 20; 10: 7. Received Alma into his home, Alma 8: 21-27. Preached with power to the people of Ammonihah, Alma 8: 29-32; 10: 1-11. Was a descendant of Nephi, Lehi, and Manasseh, Alma 10: 2-3. Testified of truth, Alma 10: 4-11. Called people to repentance and was rejected, Alma 10: 12-32. Contended with Zeezrom, Alma 11: 20-40. Taught of resurrection, judgment, and restoration, Alma 11: 41-45. Wanted to stop martyrdom of believers, Alma 14: 9-10. Was imprisoned with Alma, Alma 14: 14-23. Broke free of prison bonds through faith, Alma 14: 24-29. Testified of the Atonement, mercy, and justice, Alma 34: 8-16. Taught about prayer, Alma 34: 17-28. Encouraged people not to procrastinate repentance, Alma 34: 30-41. The faith of Alma and Amulek caused prison walls to tumble, Ether 12: 13.