In ancient times, the Lord's prophets anointed with oil those who would perform special duties, such as Aaron or the priests or the kings who would rule over Israel. In the Church today, to anoint is to place a drop or two of consecrated oil on a person's head as part of a special blessing. This can be done only under the authority and power of the Melchizedek Priesthood. After the anointing, a person acting by authority of that same priesthood may seal the anointing and give a special blessing to the one anointed.
Anoint them, and consecrate them that they may minister unto me, Ex. 28: 41 (Lev. 8: 6-12, 30). Anoint him to be captain over my people Israel, 1 Sam. 9: 16; 10: 1. The elders are to anoint and bless the sick, James 5: 14-15 (D&C 42: 44).