Aaron, Son of Mosiah
See also Mosiah, Son of Benjamin; Mosiah, Sons of

In the Book of Mormon, a son of King Mosiah. Aaron served as a missionary whose diligent efforts helped to convert many souls to Christ.

Was an unbeliever who sought to destroy the Church, Mosiah 27: 8-10, 34. An angel appeared to him and his companions, Mosiah 27: 11. Repented and began preaching the word of God, Mosiah 27: 32-28: 8. Refused to be named king and went instead to the land of the Lamanites to preach the word of God, Alma 17: 6-9. Fasted and prayed for guidance, Alma 17: 8-11. Taught King Lamoni's father, Alma 22: 1-26. Went to preach to the Zoramites, Alma 31: 6-7.