As used in the scriptures, to covet is to envy someone or to have an excessive desire for something.
Thou shalt not covet, Ex. 20: 17 (Deut. 5: 21; Mosiah 13: 24; D&C 19: 25). He that hates covetousness shall prolong his days, Prov. 28: 16. They coveted fields and took them, Micah 2: 2. Beware of covetousness, Luke 12: 15. The law said, Thou shalt not covet, Rom. 7: 7. In the last days, men shall be covetous, 2 Tim. 3: 1-2. When Laban saw our property, he lusted after it, 1 Ne. 3: 25. Thou shalt not covet thine own property, D&C 19: 26. Cease to be covetous, D&C 88: 123. Do not covet that which is thy brother's, D&C 136: 20.