In the scriptures, a curse is the application of divine law that allows or brings judgments and their consequences upon a thing, person, or people primarily because of unrighteousness. Curses are a manifestation of God's divine love and justice. They may be invoked directly by God or pronounced by his authorized servants. Sometimes, the full reasons for curses are known only to God. In addition, a cursed state is experienced by those who willfully disobey God and thereby withdraw themselves from the Spirit of the Lord.
The Lord may remove curses because of the individual's or people's faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel (Alma 23: 16-18, 3 Ne. 2: 14-16; A of F 1: 3).
God cursed the serpent for beguiling Adam and Eve, Gen. 3: 13-15 (Moses 4: 19-21). The ground was cursed for the sake of Adam and Eve, Gen. 3: 17-19 (Moses 4: 23-25).
The Lord cursed Cain for killing Abel, Gen. 4: 11-16 (Moses 5: 22-41). The Lord cursed Canaan and his descendants, Gen. 9: 25-27 (Moses 7: 6-8; Abr. 1: 21-27). Israel will be blessed if obedient to God, and cursed if disobedient, Deut. 28: 1-68 (Deut. 29: 18-28). Gehazi and his descendants were cursed with the leprosy of Naaman, 2 Kgs. 5: 20-27. The Lord cursed the ancient nation of Israel for not paying tithes and offerings, Mal. 3: 6-10. Jesus cursed a fig tree and it died, Mark 11: 11-14, 20-21. Jesus cursed the cities of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum, Luke 10: 10-15. Because Lamanites would not listen to the Lord, they were separated from the presence of the Lord and cursed, 2 Ne. 5: 20-24. All are invited to come unto God, 2 Ne. 26: 33. The Lord shall curse those who commit whoredoms, Jacob 2: 31-33. The Nephites to receive a greater curse than the Lamanites unless they repent, Jacob 3: 3-5. Rebellious people bring curses upon themselves, Alma 3: 18-19 (Deut. 11: 26-28). Korihor was cursed for leading people away from God, Alma 30: 43-60. The Lord cursed Nephite lands and riches because of the people's iniquities, Hel. 13: 22-23 (2 Ne. 1: 7; Alma 37: 31). The Lord cursed the wicked Jaredites, Ether 9: 28-35. Christ's atonement removes the curse of Adam from little children, Moro. 8: 8-12. Those who turn away from the Lord are cursed, D&C 41: 1. The earth will be smitten with a curse unless there is a welding link between fathers and children, D&C 128: 18 (Mal. 4: 5-6).
Profanity: To curse is also to use language that is profane, blasphemous, or contemptuous.
People are not to curse their fathers or mothers, Ex. 21: 17 (Matt. 15: 4). Do not curse those who rule over you, Ex. 22: 28 (Eccl. 10: 20). Men and women are not to curse God, Lev. 24: 13-16. Peter cursed when he denied knowing Jesus, Matt. 26: 69-74. Wicked Nephites cursed God and wanted to die, Morm. 2: 14.