As used in the scriptures, money or property owed to another causes the borrower to be in a form of bondage. In another sense, Jesus taught that we should ask the Father to forgive us our debts, or release us from paying the price for our sins-through the atonement of Jesus Christ-after we have forgiven others for their offences against us (Matt. 6: 12; 3 Ne. 13: 11).
The wicked borrow and pay not again, Ps. 37: 21. The borrower is servant to the lender, Prov. 22: 7. I forgave thee all that debt: Shouldest not thou also have had compassion? Matt. 18: 23-35. Owe no man any thing, but love one another, Rom. 13: 8. Ye are eternally indebted to your Heavenly Father, Mosiah 2: 21-24, 34. Whosoever borrows from his neighbor should return the thing that he borrows, Mosiah 4: 28. Pay the debt, and release thyself from bondage, D&C 19: 35. It is forbidden to get in debt to thine enemies, D&C 64: 27. Pay all your debts, D&C 104: 78. Do not get in debt to build the house of the Lord, D&C 115: 13.