In the scriptures, the ear is often used as a symbol of a person's ability to hear and understand the things of God.
They have ears, but they hear not, Ps. 115: 6. The Lord waketh mine ear to hear, Isa. 50: 4-5 (2 Ne. 7: 4-5). He that hath ears to hear, let him hear, Matt. 11: 15. Their ears are dull of hearing, Matt. 13: 15 (Moses 6: 27). Eye hath not seen nor ear heard the things which God hath prepared for them that love him, 1 Cor. 2: 9 (D&C 76: 10). The devil whispers in their ears, 2 Ne. 28: 22. Open your ears that ye may hear, Mosiah 2: 9 (3 Ne. 11: 5). I was called many times, and I would not hear, Alma 10: 6. Give ear to my words, Alma 36: 1 (Alma 38: 1; D&C 58: 1). There is no ear that shall not hear, D&C 1: 2. Ears are opened through humility and prayer, D&C 136: 32.