There are several uses of the name or title Elias in the scriptures:
Elijah: Elias is the New Testament (Greek) form of Elijah (Hebrew), as in Matt. 17: 3-4, Luke 4: 25-26, and James 5: 17. In these instances, Elias was the ancient prophet Elijah whose ministry is recorded in 1 and 2 Kings.
Forerunner: Elias is also a title for one who is a forerunner. For example, John the Baptist was an Elias because he was sent to prepare the way for Jesus (Matt. 17: 12-13).
Restorer: The title Elias has also been applied to others who had specific missions to fulfill, such as John the Revelator (D&C 77: 14) and Gabriel (Luke 1: 11-20; D&C 27: 6-7; 110: 12).
A man in Abraham's dispensation: A prophet called Esaias or Elias who apparently lived in the days of Abraham (D&C 84: 11-13; 110: 12).