See also Book of Mormon; Israel; Joseph, Son of Jacob; Manasseh

In the Old Testament, the second son of Joseph and Asenath (Gen. 41: 50-52; 46: 20). Contrary to the traditional manner, Ephraim received the birthright blessing instead of Manasseh, who was the elder son (Gen. 48: 17-20). Ephraim became the father of the tribe of Ephraim.

The tribe of Ephraim: Ephraim was given the birthright in Israel (1 Chr. 5: 1-2; Jer. 31: 9). In the last days their privilege and responsibility is to bear the priesthood, take the message of the restored gospel to the world, and raise an ensign to gather scattered Israel (Isa. 11: 12-13; 2 Ne. 21: 12-13). The children of Ephraim will crown with glory those from the north countries who return in the last days (D&C 133: 26-34).

The stick of Ephraim or Joseph: A record of one group from the tribe of Ephraim that was led from Jerusalem to America about 600 B.C. This group's record is called the stick of Ephraim or Joseph, or the Book of Mormon. It and the stick of Judah (the Bible) form a unified testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ, his resurrection, and his divine work among these two segments of the house of Israel.

A branch of Ephraim will be broken off and will write another testament of Christ, JST, Gen. 50: 24-26, 30-31. The stick of Judah and the stick of Joseph will become one, Ezek. 37: 15-19. The writings of Judah and of Joseph shall grow together, 2 Ne. 3: 12. The Lord speaks to many nations, 2 Ne. 29. The keys of the record of the stick of Ephraim were committed to Moroni, D&C 27: 5.