Saying things that are wrong, hurtful, and wicked. Often in scripture such speaking is directed at a person with the specific intent to cause pain.
Keep thy tongue from evil, Ps. 34: 13 (1 Pet. 3: 10). An ungodly man diggeth up evil, Prov. 16: 27. Blessed are ye, when men shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, Matt. 5: 11 (3 Ne. 12: 11). Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, Matt. 15: 19 (Mark 7: 21). Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler, Acts 23: 5. Let all evil speaking be put away from you, Eph. 4: 31. Speak not evil one of another, James 4: 11. See that there is no backbiting, nor evil speaking, D&C 20: 54.