Intelligence, Intelligences
See also Light, Light of Christ; Spirit; Truth

Intelligence has several meanings, three of which are: It is the light of truth which gives life and light to all things in the universe. It has always existed. The word intelligences may also refer to spirit children of God. The scriptures also may speak of intelligence as referring to the spirit element that existed before we were begotten as spirit children.

Intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence, D&C 88: 40. Intelligence was not created or made, D&C 93: 29. All intelligence is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, D&C 93: 30. The glory of God is intelligence, D&C 93: 36-37. Intelligence acquired in this life rises with us in the resurrection, D&C 130: 18-19. The Lord rules over all the intelligences, Abr. 3: 21. The Lord showed Abraham the intelligences that were organized before the world was, Abr. 3: 22.